Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's all in Your Head Make a Goal - Daily Motivation

It's all in YOUR head! Your body can do it! We just need to tell our body that! It is true that positive affirmation and positive attitude will drive you to do anything!! Tell yourself you can do it and you can. Tell yourself you can't and you won't! You choose!! The latter being the best!!
We need to surround ourselves with positive people as well. The more support you have the more you will be successful. If you feel like you are constantly around people that are not encouraging and motivating, move on. Surround yourself with people with like minded goals, attitudes and aspirations and you WILL SUCCEED!
Put sticky notes with positive words, quotes or pictures around your house, workplace, car, wallet or anywhere else you frequently look or go to remind yourself of your goal.
Believe in YOURSELF! Your body can do it! Show yourself how strong you are. Tell yourself how strong you are. No matter what it is, YOU CAN DO IT!
Go do it!! You can do it!!
ps.  for anyone that keeps up with my blogs, I am sorry it has been over a week.I got a virus on my computer and couldn't use it. I am still using a borrowed computer.
Please leave feedback and/or comments. I welcome all interaction!!
Stay fit, Be well,
Sweat Cardio and Yoga
Michelle Rotell

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