Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Getting the Most of Your Bootcamp Class

Bootcamp classes are every where. Its a good name for a fitness class that incorporates all types of training. Cardio training, power moves, strength training, functional training and interval training all mixed into one. You may see lots of pushups, jump ropes, weights, kettlebells, ropes, tires, bands, sprints and other gadgets to make bootcamp a more interesting variation of a workout. Make sure that whatever bootcamp class you are taking that your instructor is well versed in body alignment, anatomy, physiology and kinesiology. While some may think bootcamp classes are just another workout, they may be a little strenuous on the body. They are fast moving, but should have a smooth transition and flow to each exercise. There should be a cohesive combination of all body parts used so that one muscle isn't over worked or fatigued more than another. Bootcamps should push you to your limits, but make you feel comfortable and practice safe technique. If something is bothering you or you are not comfortable, your instructor should be able to give you a modification for that exercise. Your instructor should welcome new comers and be able to accomodate for all fitness levels.
You may have heard of the all popular Crossfit classes popping up everywhere as well. These are very intense Bootcamp classes, which are for the fit person. Crossfit is great for the person that is looking for the over the top push the limit workout. It is a great workout for a short period of time, but should be incorporated with other workouts to prevent injury. It is very hard on the body, yet it is definitely a good workout.
You may see personal trainers arranging groups for bootcamp classes or open to public group bootcamp classes. Some places charge hundreds of dollars for the same workout. Know your instructor and the facility.
Sweat Cardio offers bootcamp classes Wed. 11a and Kettlebell classes that are very similar to bootcamp on Monday 5:30a and Friday 9a and Saturdays 11:30a. Check out the class schedule at www.sweatcardio.com for more info.
No matter where you plan on taking class, your instructor should be warm, welcoming, knowledgeable and motivating.
Stay fit. Be well.
Sweat Cardio and Yoga
Michelle Rotell

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