Thursday, November 8, 2012

A limitation is only an excuse- Daily Fitness Motivation

We all have limitations. One kind or another. Its what you do to overcome it, or get around it, or use it to your advantage that makes us stronger. Believe in yourself and do what it takes to get to your goals.
I want to tell you a story a client told me the other day..
She went to the Survivor Mud Run in Lake Elsinore last year which is a very intense 5k/10k obstacle course style race. It isn't for the weary. It isn't even for the average 5k runner. This race if for the hardcore. She wasn't sure if she was going to enter the race because she heard how hard it was. I didn't mention that she went to watch last year, but not race.
She decided this year to enter the race because she saw not one, but multiple people hustling through this treacherous race with prosthetics. She was still thinking "I'm just not that tough." Till she saw a team of 2 in the middle of the pack.  This was a team with 2 people and only 2 legs. One of the teammates was missing both of his legs. During all the obstacles he used his upper body and made it over every leap and bound, during the run section he was carried on piggy back. This changed my clients mind, and said that if that guy can do it "I should have no excuse."
This is a story about a women with fears and a man that showed her that there is NO EXCUSE not to do something that you want to do!
My client is entered to do this race March 2013 when it comes back to Lake Elsinore.
If you are interested in this race check out for more information.
"If you want to exceed your expectations forget your limitations!!!" Michelle Rotell
Sweat Cardio and Yoga

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