Monday, July 1, 2013

Yoga Can Clear Your Mind

"Yoga is a way to clear your mind and soul" as many people may say. It is a way to release stress and tension from your daily lives. It is a way to stretch your muscles and your mind outside of its daily routine to help release toxins built up in your body and mind. This may all sound so unreal, that a few positions you put your body in can do so much for you, but it is a fact. Yoga is an age old remedy for healing your body and mind. 
A beginner or an advanced yoga person can feel the same or different affects of their experience. A beginner may feel the exterior affects of their movements. Meaning, they will feel the stretching, the relaxation or the invigoration of the practice.  As you become more advanced in your yoga practice, you may feel a more overwhelming power of healing as you become more in tune with your body. Your breath will become more heated as you learn to breath deeper and engage more internal organs and feelings. 
Yoga is a great way to clear your mind of all the daily hustle and bustle that is so saturated into our lives. Make your Yoga time, your time. Give that time to yourself and allow the experience of Yoga to heal you.
There are so many forms of yoga that one should be able to enjoy it. If you want a more relaxing, gentle yoga class try a Yin or Stretch Yoga. If you want a more invigorating and harder class, try a Power Yoga or Flow Yoga class. Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga is another way to release more toxins and get deeper into the muscle. Hot Yoga comes in many forms as well. It is usually done in a room that is from 90 -105 degrees. Read the class descriptions before taking class. A good yoga instructor will teach at all levels so a beginner and an advanced Yogi could take the same class and still feel successful and come out feeling wonderful. 

Check out our website for all the Yoga classes offered at Sweat Cardio and Yoga.

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