Friday, September 12, 2014

Failure is not an option- Daily Motivation

We do not use the word failure. We use the words "learning experience". We fall, we get back up. We stumble, we dance with it. We learn from our experiences. Our mistakes make us stronger. They make us who we are. We will hopefully try to rethink our path for the future and make it better. The strong and motivated will make it a challenge to succeed even more.
Everyone has the choice to make a change. We have options to take one path or another. Take the road less travelled but know that you may hit a dead end. That is ok. You regroup, reassess and then reroute. Moving on to another high road.
This theory relates to anything in your life. Go after what you want and work hard for it. Along the way you may stumble, but make it part of the dance and you will feel much better.
Michelle Rotell
Sweat Cardio and Yoga

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